Mapbox Sources, Layers and JEO

How sources and layers settings works at Mapbox API and how JEO deals with them

Table of Contents


This document describes how to interact with Mapbox, MapboxGL and React MapboxGL APIs. It is organised in a way that summarize key infos of those tools docs and gives examples of we are using them at our code.

Mapbox Styles

Mapbox Maps service is composed of several APIs and every type of layer has some particularities which we must pay attention.

Accordingly which Mapbox docs, a Mapbox style consists of a set of root properties, some of which describe a single global propertie and some of which contain nested properties, like version, and name and metadata and does not influence over the appearance or behavior of your map. Others, like layers and sources determine our map features and what they will look like.

Those are the particularities that we will further discuss from now.

More at Mapbox Style Specification.

Mapbox Layers

A style's layers property lists all the layers available in that style.

Types and Sources of a Layer

The type of layer is specified by the "type" property and must be one of:

For type vector: - background; - fill; - line; - symbol; - circle; - fill-extrusion; - heatmap; - hillshade.

For type raster: - raster;

Except for layers of the background type, each layer needs to refer to a source.

The source of a layer is the name of a source description to be user for this layer.

  • JSON settings

Your settings of a layer should be something like:

    "layers": [{
        "id": "water",
        "source": "mapbox-streets",
        "source-layer": "water",
        "type": "fill",
        "paint": {
        "fill-color": "#00ffff"

More at Mapbox Spec Layers.

  • MapboxGL React

We can set a <Layer> component like:

    import { Layer } from "react-mapbox-gl";


        sourceLayer="water", // by definition, the source type must be vector type
        paint={{ "fill-color": "#00ffff" }}>

More at react-mapbox-gl docs.

Mapbox Sources

Sources state which data the map should display. Specify the type of source with the type property, which must be one of:

  • vector;
  • raster;
  • raster-dem;
  • geojson;
  • image;
  • video.

Please note that a Layer can have a type and a source. And a Source is not the same as the layer source and this Source has a type.

Adding a source isn't enough to make data appear on the map because sources don't contain styling details like color or width.

Tiled sources, vector and raster, must specify their details according to the TileJSON specification.

At JEO plugin you can supply those infos as tiles or as url.

Note that the following exams is based on a source vector type.

  • JSON settings

Your settings of a source should be something like:

  • tiles:

        "mapbox-streets": {
            "type": "vector",
            "tiles": [
            "maxzoom": 14
    • url:

      "mapbox-streets": { "type": "vector", "url": "" } More at react-mapbox-gl docs.

  • MapboxGL React

    We can set up a <Source/> component like:

    • tiles:

      ``` import { Source } from "react-mapbox-gl";

      const SOURCE_OPTIONS = {
          "type": "vector",  // note this line
          "tiles": [
          "maxzoom": 14
          type="vector" // note this line

      `` -url`:

      ``` import { Source } from "react-mapbox-gl";

      const SOURCE_OPTIONS = {
          "url": "",
          "type": "vector", // note this line
          type="vector" // note this line
          sourceLayer={ source_layer } // see onSource section for more info


    For a raster source, we can define like this:

    ``` import { Source } from "react-mapbox-gl";

        "type": "raster", // note this line
        "tiles": [
        "tileSize": 512
        type="raster" // note this line

    ``` More about how to configure a Source component at react-mapbox-gl docs.

On sourceLayer attribute of a Source component

If your Layer is of the vector type, your sourceLayer will indicate an individual layer of data within your vector source. You can learn more info on where you can find the name of this property at Mapbox source-layer glossary.

Otherwise, if your Layer have a raster type, this property will be ignored.

            type: "raster" // note this line
        type="raster" // note this line
        sourceLayer="anything" // this info will be ignored

How the Layer Settings page of JEO Plugin works

Corner cases and other observations